Through Reading the Word

Through Reading the Word

You can’t fall in love with something or someone you don’t know.  It takes time together to build a relationship and reading the Bible is an excellent way to grow your relationship with God since he is the author.  Therefore, I recommend reading the Bible each day as a way to increase your spiritual relationship with God.

Owner’s manuals are helpful in learning about unfamiliar products.  That’s what the Bible is: God’s owner’s manual for your life.  Think of it as the instruction manual that has been given to you by the One who made you.

The Bible talks about how important it is to get to know its contents.  In 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV), we are told to, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”  The same writer clarifies the reason for this: “All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17 CSB).  Since it is the ONLY THING that will make you complete and fully equip you for the Christian life, it makes sense for you to spend time getting to know the Bible.

Someone has rightly observed, “He who chooses not to read is no better off than the one who does not know how to read.”  I believe that getting to know the Bible begins with daily reading.  I propose at least two chapters per day.  Set a goal to read through the New Testament every year.  When you get through the New Testament (doing two chapters per day, you will finish in early May), you’ll still have time for Old Testament reading.  Using this method, you will get through the New Testament four times and the Old Testament once each four years. 

For a long time now, I have made it a practice to read through the New Testament in a different translation each year.  If you are a regular reader of the scriptures, you probably have a favorite Bible translation that you use.  That’s fine, but I would encourage you to consider reading through the Bible in a different translation each year.  I recommend that you have a Bible that you use on a regular basis (I use the English Standard Version) and that you use a different translation each year to extend your understanding of the overall message.  The difference in wording will help you see more clearly the meaning of a passage and/or its application to you and your life.    

If you want to grow spiritually, start with (1) finding time alone together with God.  Once you have accomplished that goal, (2) using part of that time to read will spur the growth along.

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