Romans 3 Study Sheet

1. If the heads of the Jews were shaking in agreement with Paul at the beginning of chapter 2, the Gentile’s heads were shaking approvingly at the beginning of chapter 3. However, the question that Paul brings forward is, “What advantage has the Jew?” (3:1). His response: “Much in every way.” (3:2). He asserts, “The Jews were entrusted with the _______________ ___ _______” (3:2). Note: “the oracles of God” = “the word of God” (see I Peter 4:11, Psalm 147:19-20 and Deuteronomy 5:1ff).

2. Some (not all Jews) were unfaithful (3:3). The effect of this was to show God’s faithfulness (3:3) and His righteousness (3:5). This gives Him the right to inflict ________________ on us (3:5) and to _______________ the world (3:6).

3. Paul’s point is simple: all are in the same shape; they are “under the power of sin” (3:9) much as the centurion described those under his power (Matthew 8:9). Read the description in 3:10-18. There is no place for bragging because “the whole world may be held _______________ before God” (3:19).

4. Since idols did not save pagans and the Jews were guilty of sin under the law, man’s condition would be bleak if it were not that a new righteousness was made manifest. It is the “righteousness of ________ through ____________ in Jesus Christ” and it is “for all who ________________” (3:20)

5. The most important sentence in the Bible appears in 3:22-25. It states that “There is no __________________: for all have _______________ and _________ ___________ of the glory of God, and are ___________________ by his ______________ as a gift, through the ____________________ that is in ____________ _____________, whom ________ put forward as a _____________________ by his __________________ to be received by ________________.” This sentence explains what the gospel is all about!

a. Why is there “no distinction?”

b. What does it mean to be “justified?”

c. If it is “by grace” what price did we pay for it?

d. What is the meaning of “redemption” and what is the difference between it and being justified?

e. If this is “in Christ Jesus,” explain how you get into him (See Romans 6:3 and Galatians 3:27).

f. What does it mean to be “a propitiation by his blood?” (See I John 2:2, 4:10, Colossians 1:21-22, and II Corinthians 5:18-21)

g. How is this propitiation received?


6. How is it that God is able to be both “just” and “the justifier” (3:26) of the one who has faith in Jesus?

7. Since we are saved by faith, what happens to our boasting about what we have done for God (3:27)?

8. The fact is that we all stand before God empty-handed and everyone will get to God in the same way. That is, “he will justify the circumcised (i.e. the Jew) by __________________ and the uncircumcised (i.e. the Gentile) through __________________” (3:30).

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