As we have considered spiritual growth we have shared how important it is to read and study the Bible in detail. These two strategies will serve you well as a basis for most of your growth. Now we come to another important aspect of the Bible that can have an extremely positive effect on you. It is memorizing the Word. When you memorize Scripture, you always have it with you, wherever you are and whenever you need it.
What verses are especially meaningful to you? Then memorize them. I suggest that you write them out on note cards so you can look at them often. The method I use is to have a packet of 3X5 blank note cards handy. When there is a Scripture that I want to memorize, I write it out on one side of the card and where the verse is located on the other. I keep the cards in a handy spot where I will see them every day. For a day or two, I will read the Scripture to myself out loud several times and memorize where it is located. Next, I will look only at the side which has the location on it and try to quote it. After I get that one mostly memorized, I will add another. I keep going back to the earlier ones to make sure they are firmly planted in my mind while starting the same process on the new one I just added. Over time, you will have a whole stack of Scriptures you have memorized and thus have them with you at all times. The great news is, no one can take them from you!
Some people want to make sure they get the wording exactly right. While that may be commendable, some choose to get the wording close and have down the thought behind the Scripture. Whatever works for you, do it. You will be a richer person, spiritually speaking, for adding this activity to your alone time with God.
What Scriptures should you memorize? Choose ones that are meaningful to you. Try to have Scriptures that are helpful in different circumstances. For example, memorize Scriptures that give assurance, comfort, hope and direction, along with words of praise, etc. Here are some examples:
This list can go on forever, but this will get you started. I am sure your spiritual life will grow as you memorize.
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