I’d like for you to spend time thinking about your relationship with God. Are you growing spiritually? Are you satisfied with your growth? Do you want to improve it? If you want to grow spiritually, then you may want to look at your use of time and ask yourself, “Am I spending enough TIME TOGETHER ALONE with God?”
Ask yourself, “Who has the greatest need to get to know God more: Jesus or me?” We have shown how important it was to Jesus to spend time alone with God. As disciples, we should learn from our master.
Here’s the bottom line: if you make the decision to take your relationship with God to a higher, closer level then you are going to have to make time for that relationship to develop.
When will that be? You have to decide that. That depends on your schedule.
Where are you going to spend that period of time? You have to decide that also. As much as possible, make it a quiet, comfortable place.
I urge you to make your decisions intentionally. Make these decisions with a commitment to carry them through. What I am saying is deciding where and when are important decisions.
You have to decide how much time you will commit to this effort. Be realistic, what works for you? How about starting with 15 minutes per day? That may not be great, but it’s probably better than you’re doing right now. Can you find at least a half hour? Good! Wouldn’t it be great to hear yourself say, “I’ll set aside an hour?” But you have to figure that one out.
Once you have worked out the when, where and how much time questions, what do you do with that time? Over the next several lessons I will offer some suggestions and share some ideas.
Things to consider:
The instructor says you need to make your decisions intentionally. What does that mean to you?
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