1. Those who are Christians are called upon to live a lifestyle that includes being “imitators of ________” and “to walk in love as _____________ loved us and gave himself up for us” (5:1-2). This is in contrast to the lifestyle of the world, which is described in 5:3-7. Those who live the lifestyle of the world need to realize that they have no “________________________ in the ____________________ of Christ and God” (5:5) and that “the ____________ of God” (5:6) will come down upon them.
2. Another contrast of the two lifestyles is the difference in individuals who “walk in ______________” (5:8) and those that participate in “the unfruitful works of _____________.” (5:11). Compare this passage to what Christ had to say in John 12:35-36 and the apostle John in I John 1:5-7. The lifestyle of the Christian is one that centers on “all that is ____________________, and _______________________, and _______________________” (5:9).
3. In 5:15-21, the lifestyles are described as “wise” versus “foolish.” In one case the individual is living a life of “drunkenness” and “debauchery” (5:18). In the other, she/he is interested in understanding “what the will of the _____________ is” (5:17) and addressing one another (5:19) in ___________, (from the Old Testament, see Psalm 92:1-4) _____________ (songs of praise) and ___________ ______________ (generic term for what we might call religious songs). This is to be done by “________________ and ____________ _____________ to the Lord with all your heart” (5:19). Two characteristics of doing this with all your heart are (1) giving ________________ always and for everything (5:20) and (2) “_________________ to one another (5:21).
4. One of the closest relationships, and one where this lifestyle we be seen, is that of husband and wife. The way that this will manifest itself in the wife is that the wife will “______________ to your own husband” (5:22-24) and see that she “_______________ her husband” (5:33). Husbands are to “_______ your wives as Christ loved the church” (5:25) and “______________ ______________ up for her” (5:25). As a matter of fact, “husbands should ___________ their wives as their own ____________” (5:28).
5. Paul summarizes the husband-wife relationship by quoting Genesis 2:24, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” While this statement was first used to describe the relationship between Adam and Eve, Paul says it also refers to the relationship between Christ and the church (5:32). This shows that the two relationships involve total commitment (“a man shall ______________ father and mother”) and inseparability (“the two shall become one _______________”).
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