Jonah Study Sheet

Fill in the Blanks:

  • Although Jonah was sent to ______________, he went in the opposite direction going to ___________ and boarding a ship headed for _____________. (1:1)
  • How did the mariners find out who was causing the storm?  By ____________  ________ (1:7).  For the practice of casting lots in the scriptures, see Joshua 17:4-6, 1 Chronicles 24:5-19, Matthew 27:35, Acts 1:15-26.
  • Who suggested that the mariners throw Jonah overboard? _____________ (1:12)
  • A _________  _______ swallowed Jonah.  What two words tell how a fish could do this?  _________   _____________ (1:17)
  • When Jonah was in trouble, he ____________ to Jehovah (2:1)
  • When Jehovah ____________ to the fish, it vomited Jonah out onto _______  ___________ (2:10)
  • The __________ of the Lord came to Jonah a _____________ time (3:1)
  • Jonah’s message was, “Yet ________ _________ and Nineveh will be ______________ (3:4)
  • When the people of Nineveh heard this message, they called for a __________ and put on _________________ (3:5)
  • When the word reached the king of Nineveh, he issued a _____________ calling for no ________ or __________ (3:6-8)
  • The king’s hope was that God would ____________ and _____________ from his anger which is exactly what God did (3:9-10)
  • Jonah’s reaction to God was that he was _____________ and _____________ (4:1-2)
  • Jonah’s prayer was that Jehovah would “take my _________” (4:3)
  • Jonah left the city.  God appointed a __________ to provide ___________, for comfort (4:5-6)
  • The next day God appointed a worm to cause the plant to ____________ (4:7)
  • This again caused Jonah to become _____________ (4:8-9)
  • God used this illustration to help Jonah understand that the _______ (its people) was much more important than the ___________ (4:10-11) 

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